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Program for chess games analysis

KVETKA – is a tiny and nice program for viewing and analysing chess games. First of all it was created for convenient viewing chess games from Internet.

Kvetka means "flower" in Belarusian language.

Our news

  • New version of "Endgame bases" plugin

    After free 7 man endgame online tablebases appear we have added a support of one of them to Kvetka's plugin. Now you do not have to download huge 7 man tablebases in order to use them.
    Download "Endgame bases" plugin.

  • Kvetka 4.1.1 released

    A new version of application is released - Kvetka 4.1.1. It appeared that the previous version did not recognize many CBV files. We hope that in Kvetka 4.1.1 we resolve that issue completely. By the way, the new engine Stockfish 9 is now distributed with Kvetka.

  • Kvetka 4.1 released

    A new version of application is released - Kvetka 4.1. It has a number of small useful new features. For example, Kvetka now supports the CBV format from Chessbase; games can be sorted in both ascending and descending order; in "Moves" window, diagrams can be aligned to the left, right or to the center of the window, with or without coordinates; recognition of games from Chess Assistant is improved. Additionally, as always, various discovered bugs were fixed.

  • New plugin "Players information" released

    A new plugin "Players information" is released. It helps you to get additional information about players in any game loaded into Kvetka. The range of information is wide: from title, sex and rating to the list of all games played by the player from the online database chess-db.com.
    Download plugin "Players Information".

  • Kvetka in Polish and Ukrainian

    User Mix Gerder has translated Kvetka into two more languages: Polish and Ukrainian.
    Kvetka in Polish, Kvetka in Ukrainian.

  • Kvetka 4.0.2 released

    A new version of program is released - Kvetka 4.0.2. It has improved recognition of chess games from Chess Assistant bases.

  • Kvetka in German

    User Norbert Raimund Leisner has translated Kvetka into German. A new localization can be found here. We also want to remind that you can translate Kvetka to your favorite language as well. Just write an e-mail to info@kvetka.org and we will send you the detailed instructions.

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Current version:
Kvetka 4.1.1 (released 02.03.2018)

View screenshot

Main Kvetka's features

  • Occupies the small area on the desktop
  • Uses recent standard UCI
  • Provides the convenient way for copying games from different chess web pages
  • Has user-friendly interface
  • Is free!

Need more features? Feel free to write your review, wishes and bug reports to our guestbook.