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Program for chess games analysis

Kvetka tutorial

First steps | Hotkeys | Main windows | Opening books

Example №3

Example №1 , №2

You can copy the games very quickly from certain web portals, just copy the url address of the web page with the game to Kvetka. These portals include Chess-db, Chessgames, Chessok, Chessbase, Chesspro and some others. For example, let's consider the game from http://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=1832832.

All we need is to copy the URL address of the page (Ctrl + C) from the browser and paste it into Kvetka (Ctrl + V).

As in the first example the "Web page" window will show up. Its URL field contains the address of the page with the game.

Click on "Load..." button and Kvetka will do the rest for you.

That is it!

You can switch on an autoupdate for each game from online sources. This feature is very useful if you copy a live broadcast of an ongoing game.

Set the update frequency in the "Refresh every..." field and click on "Turn on" button.

The game will now be automatically refreshed every 15 seconds. As soon as new moves appear Kvetka will make a beep sound. Meanwhile you can experiment with the game and make new moves in it. They will not disappear after game refreshing.

The full list of web portals which are supported by Kvetka is available here.

Back to example №1, example №2